- Strawberry jam
- 350 g fresh strawberries
- 300 g cane sugar
- Put washed and cleaned from calyx lobes strawberries in a class bowl with sugar. Keep it in a fridge for the night or more to let berries give their juice.
- Next day put the mixture in a steel pan, let it boil and stew about 10 minutes, periodically stir slowly. Then take it off from the heat and blend the mixture in a same pan. Put again it on the heat for about 15 minutes till the moment when the jam becomes thicker.
- Preheat the oven to 100°С (215°F) and put there a glass jar for 10 minutes. Put the cover of a jar in a boiling water for at least 7 minutes. Dry the cover, pour the jam in a jar and close it tightly. Let it cool at room temperature at first, then keep the jam in a fridge. .
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